A Smart Room is the ultimate personalized digital sales room. For a customer experience to be effective, it must be designed specifically for the customer and their business. Our team will provide design options to improve the customer experience and maximize customer engagement.

Design Services
People judge books by their covers—make sure yours is exactly how you want it
Themes & Templates
Develop unique themes for your digital Smart Room design using fully customizable color palettes and logo upload options.
Embed custom images or videos for Smart Room headers to reinforce your brand or your prospects’ brands.
Create separate sections in your Smart Rooms for welcome areas, team information, content cards, and more.

Content & Imagery
Set up your content library structure in a way that best serves your internal team users in sales, marketing, and account management.
Find support for crafting effective Smart Playbook messages and automation structures.
Play with font type, font size, text justification, and other style settings.